What About My Kids?
Our Church School (Sunday School) welcomes kids starting with pre-schoolers on up through middle-school-age youth. In addition, we have a confirmation class, as well as Middle School and High School age youth groups led by dynamic Youth Group coordinators.
We invite all children to attend and participate in our worship services. All services include a “Time with Children” segment during the beginning of the service, during which children are asked to join our pastor at the front of the Sanctuary for a short topical discussion (here's an example). Children are then lead out to their respective Sunday School classes by their teachers after the "Time with Children”.
Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers in the nursery room upstairs on the left at the end of the hall. Our nursery is staffed by a trained and certified child care professional. When you drop off your children at the nursery, you will be asked to fill out the attendance log, which will include leaving a contact number. If your child needs any assistance from you during the service, the childcare provider will reach out to you via text to the contact number on file.
What Can I Expect During My First Visit?
We welcome you, regardless of who you are, whatever your political party, whatever your gender identity, wherever you come from, and regardless of your religious background (or lack thereof ! ). Put simply, it doesn't matter to us. You matter to us and helping you make a spiritual connection.
If you come to worship with us, you’ll experience a service that blends traditional and contemporary styles of worship.
We pray, hear sermons, sing hymns, and enjoy music provided by our choir, soloists and accompanied by our world-class Von Beckerath Pipe organ (we promise not to blow you away, but it does include 2,640 pipes and is one of only 6 in the US. If you're into great music: Here's a sampling.).
Our facilities are handicapped accessible and welcome to all.
Here's a Floor Plan
We invite you to come as you are. We do not expect formal attire…..jeans and sneakers are as welcome as suits and ties (but we prefer you leave the ties at home. Really.)
The service includes a special time for children. All children are welcome in our Church School and we look for ways to involve them in every aspect of our services. (Don't worry. They won't "bother" us. Really.)
Do I need to Dress Up?
No, we feel that it's our responsibility to clear the way for you to come to church. So we won't ask you to do anything you are not comfortable with. We will not ask you to stand as a first time guest or to wear a name tag that makes you stick out like a sore thumb. In the pews you will find a "Friendship Pad" for everyone to fill out. It's an informal way for people sitting next to each other to pass the pad around, say "hi", break the ice, and greet one another. If you want to, you can fill in your contact information and indicate if you want us to contact you later to get to know you better or answer your questions.