Housing Ministry
As a faith community we believe that every family needs a safe, warm and dry home to achieve a full and
productive life. Over the years many church members of all ages have shared their time, talents and treasure in a
variety of projects both in this area as well as in other states and indeed several foreign countries. Each project
has its specific needs but generally hands on labor, individual giving and some creative fund raising activities have
been instrumental for making this mission activity successful.
Past projects include home mucking and repair following natural disasters in the Gulf Coast, the Catskills or
Staten Island, building new homes in Haiti or Nepal for disaster victims or for veterans in Louisiana, building a
playground for children in Haiti and the renovation of veteran's homes in this area.
Our Teams of volunteers generally work through established housing organizations including:
The Fuller Center
Habitat for Humanity
Rebuilding Together
One Small House
All Hands Volunteers
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Our Teams and volunteers have worked in Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, Haiti, Mexico, Nepal and Nicaragua
among other locations.
Volunteers for this ministry can participate in a variety of ways including fund raising and hands on building. All
levels of building skill are welcome.
The following link provides a short documentary of one of our more recent builds in Haiti.
If you wish to learn more about participating in the Housing Ministry please call the church office.